Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hugh Hefner Rocks!!!!! Hef Helps Save the Hollywood Sign!

Thank goodness some things are still considered "sacred."  What would Hollywood be without it's famous sign?  After all, it's one of the most iconic signs in the world.  It represents movies, fame, dreams and on the sad side ... dreams lost.  It's been in quite a few movies over the years, the scene of many suicides and photo ops; and songs have been written about it.   And most assuredly, I would assume, a huge tourist attraction.

Hollywood Sign (Panorama) Black Wood-Mounted Art Poster Print - 12" X 36"84-year-old Playbody media mogul Hugh Hefner has saved the day by contributing the amount  ($900,000.00) to preserve the 138 acres behind the sign from being developed, according to People. “It would have been a real shame after having restored it if it wound up sold,” Hefner said. “It’s become something iconic and represents not only the town but represents Hollywood dreams, and I think that’s something worth preserving.”   In 1978, after years of neglect, Hefner was one of a number of patrons who donated funds to restore it.

HOLLYWOOD SIGN BOULEVARD POSTER VINTAGE LEGEND ST3212The 45-foot-tall sign was built in 1923 as part of a real-estate promotion. Developers were planning to build luxury mansions on the property, but a nonprofit was given a chance to buy the property for $12.5 million. The organization was short $900,000 as the April 30 deadline approached.

Developers have been eyeing the hillside, once owned by Howard Hughes, for luxury mansions, but a nonprofit land-conservation group was given the chance to buy the land for $12.5 million. As an April 30 deadline neared, the group was nearly $1 million short.

"I was aware of the fact that they were raising the money, but I only learned about a week ago that they were running out of time," said Hefner. "They only had about a week and a half left to go."

Original Post:  Palm Beach Post

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